ASI Accurate Toilet Partitions - Color-Thru Phenolic
Color-Thru Phenolic partitions sheets are fused at high temperature and pressure, and are a Class A fire rated material. In addition to strength and serviceability, a wide range of colors provides limitless design flexibility.
- Continuous Piano Hinges
- Continuous Anodized Aluminum and Stainless Steel Brackets
Floor Anchored/Overhead BracedThis economical and sturdy mounting style installs just about anywhere. An anodized aluminum anti-grip head rail secures partitions firmly to the walls.
Floor AnchoredSimplified construction permits ease of installation anywhere. For concrete floors only: 2" minimum penetration into floor required.
Ceiling Hung
When used together with wall-hung fixtures, the entire floor is accessible for efficient cleaning. Structural steel ceiling supports are necessary to assure proper installation.
Floor to Ceiling AnchoredThis mounting style is extremely stable and durable as pilasters are anchored into both the concrete floor and the structural ceiling support.
Ultimate PrivacyPhenolic partitions are strong, durable and feature doors and panels up to 72" high. Self-Closing rebated doors overlap to remove any sightlines into the stall to ensure privacy.
Hardware Options
Vandal-Resistant FastenersSpecial driver installs fasteners which virtually eliminates unauthorized removal and ensures easy installation.
EmergencyMeets ADA requirements. Slotted keeper coupled with gravity hinges allows access in an emergency.
Vault HingeRugged, attractive wrap-around hinge. Extra strong for heavy-duty installations.
Shoe ConstructionOne-piece stainless steel, type 304, with #4 satin finish trim shoes are hemmed top and bottom for rigidity and sleek appearance.
Easy-Stall Shoe- For floor anchored overhead braced
- Easily adjusted leveling bolt
- True concrete anchor screws designed for lasting holding power
- Anchor rated at 2770 lbs. pullout strength
- Fabricated of type 304 stainless steel
Occupancy latch with an emergency access capability indicates when stall is occupied.
Flush Finish Self-Closing DoorsAll of our self-closing doors and pilasters meet in a flush finish with routed, overlapping closures for guaranteed privacy.